In-Person! Workshops & RETREATS 2025

 2025 Retreats    2025 Retreats   2025Retreats    
   "If you write it, it will come."

New! IN PERSON!☆WINTER 2025 Catalogue!


Writing Across the Generations/Writing About Aging 

Writing Across the Generations

Thursday Mornings 10am-Noon  
( February 20, March 15, April 17, May 15, June 12)  $40/sliding per session

Hearing yourself wistfully “talkin' about my generation" lately? Complaining about what hurts? Wondering where you put your (        )? Nostalgic for answering machines? Does 50 seem really old? Really young? Tired of being too mature for your age? Hungering for some elderly (and youthful) wisdom? You're not alone! Join us monthly for an ongoing conversation in writing, swapping wisdom, honoring and welcoming all ages about aging across the ages!  


Wild Woman (14th BiAnnual!) Solstice Writing Retreat

Time to raise up those pens, once again! Come home to your beloved Wild Woman Writing community and write into the light once again! Write where you always belong, connect to your joy, rekindle your fire, and celebrate your solstice at this beloved holiday festival of writing wild! 

 Saturday June 21, 2025   10am-4p   $95



Workshopping Your Book-In-Progress

Manuscript Intensive for those wishing to refine/finish/edit/get back to their manuscripts for completion and/or publication if that is your goal.

Dates/Times Coming Soon!


In Person @ The Loft

Writing Yourself Out of Your Rhythm Rut

Regular $74.00
Member $66.60
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Open to All Levels
The Loft at Open Book
Number of Sessions
Day of the Week

We often think of poetry when we talk about rhythmic writing, yet finding your unique internal tempo, cadence, pitch and pause is essential to finding flow, passion and full blossom as a writer of any genre. Often writers will equate writer's block with not having anything important to say or being overwhelmed by one's inner critic, whereas the culprit is most likely a confining personal narrative or rhythm rut, making the process tiring and depersonalized. This lively, playful, exploratory workshop invites you to write out of your comfort zone and into an entirely new world of rhythms, syntax, structure, and timing.

We'll go word-wild, break all the writerly rules as you know them in order to create new pathways for your writing process and apply to them across the genres. We'll try our hand at ee cummings, Andre Breton, Aime Cesaire, Sandra Cisneros, Brigid Mosher, Haruki Mirakami, and others to enliven your writing and unlock your unique rhythmic fit, gifting your with endless creative expression so you'll never get blocked again. Embrace your unique writing rhythm to free you from writer's block, your inner critic, and fear to forevermore write your truth passionately across the genres about anything at all.



Fall 2023  Fall 2023Fall 2023Fall 2023Fall 2023

Checking IN: A Writing Retreat for Healers and Caregivers

You ask thoughtful questions. You listen deeply. You research and reflect. You empathize, encourage, and root for their well-being. But when was the last time you checked in with yourself? How are you doing?  Have you become negligent in caring for the one relationship foundational to all others? This retreat invites you to take a break, slow down, check in, offer and receive from yourself the same compassion, time, commitment, and space you provide to countless others. Simple writing and sharing with prompts to guide you toward deepening your relationship with yourself to build trust, safety, voice, play, and presence within and without. 

 Thursday November 9, 2023  10am-2:30   $75

Writing is Not What You Think     

You are so much more than you think                                                                        

You empathize more than you think                                                                                           But sometimes you have to write to know and write to remember                                             You have much more—endlessly more—to write about than you think.                                   Writing is not your thoughts. Writing is not what you think. Writing is writing.

Writing is life. Writing is love.

Writing is so much more than you think.

Don’t believe me? Stop listening to your thoughts. Give yourself a break and let the writing do the talking.

Thursday, Nov 21, 2023   10a-1p   $50


Wild Woman (12th Annual!) Writing Retreat

Time to raise up those pens, once again! Come home to your beloved Wild Woman Writing community and write into the light once again! Write where you always belong, connect to your joy, rekindle your fire, and celebrate your solstice at this beloved holiday festival of writing wild! 

 Saturday December 16, 2023   10am-4p   $95

Monthly Series! @ Studio Inside Out: Creativity as an Act of Love

UPCOMING Thursdays, 1-3 pm
October 26th - Creativity in Letting Go
November 30th - Creativity in Conversation
December 21st - Creativity in Generosity

Retreats of Yore (Yet Evermore Available for your Private Event)

Date Night Writing
Thursday May 21, 2015
6-8:30pm                  $65/pair

(5th Annual!) Wild Woman Writing Solstice Retreat

SUMMER   Saturday June 13, 2015 
10am-4pm                   $75/$125 (both)

WINTER   Saturday December 12, 2015

Writing and Psychodrama Series: Letting go (The Stories We Carry)
Wednesdays monthly, beginning April 22, 2015

9:30am-noon                  $45 

Come experience the healing and transformative power of psychodrama paired with writing. Whether you are new to psychodrama, writing, or both, this healing workshops will add depth to your writing practice and your life, leaving you with inspiration to live and write more authentically, mindfully, and fully alive. 

WHAT IS PSYCHODRAMA? Introduction to Psychodrama and Sociometry

Get on your feet, into your body, and out of your over thinking, over achieving head as you dive heart first into this playful, energizing, integrative workshop. This experiential workshop introduces students to the basic foundations of psychodrama and sociometry—including Warm Up, Enactment, and Sharing—through organic movement, intuition, role play, and improvisation, inviting you to release old patterns/conflicts, embody your authentic self and truth, step into the whole life you wish to live, and connect to your flow/spontaneity, in a safe, supportive group setting. Ideal for therapists, healers, teachers and anyone hoping to add new life and depth to their personal or professional practice.

Louis Jenkins Prose Poetry Workshop 
Saturday September 26, 2015 10a-4p   $125
at The Beach! 

Shimmering Images: A Journey of Moments
Saturday August 8th   9a-4p   

Shimmering Images: Intuitive Writing Writ-a-thon Writalong!

Saturday October 24, 2015

9:30am-1pm                  $65 

Silent Write   Yoga, Meditation, Writing
Saturday November 7, 2015
9am-1pm                  $65 

Intuitive Writing & Painting Workshop
Wednesday Evening, September 17, 2014

Introduction to Psychodrama and Sociometry
Thursday Evening September 18, 2014 

Wild Woman Writing Solstice Retreat!
Saturday December 14, 2013 
10am-4pm                   $65

New! First Pages for Adults: Your Journal is a Creative Goldmine
Saturday October 12, 2013 
2-3:30pm    Free!  
Eden Prairie Library
Register Online or call 612-543-6275.
Do you want to start writing but feel like you have nothing to write about? If you’ve been keeping a journal – personal or creative – you already have dozens of story ideas. Learn how to mine your journal for literary gold. 

New! Fourth Annual Fall Women's Writing Retreat 
On the lake in Spicer, MN!
Friday October 25-27, 2013 
Noon Friday-1 pm Sunday    Call for details!  

NEW! Couples Writing Retreat
Saturday August 17, 2013 
1pm-6pm   $125/pair

NEW! Writing and Mindfulness: Coming Home to Your Writing Practice 
Saturday July 13, 2013
9 a.m.—3 p.m. at the Loft Literary Center 

Is your writing feeling a bit scattered? Have you lost sight of your writing intention? Wonder why you ever started writing in the first place? It may be time to reclaim your writing spark by remembering your authenticity and presence in the writing process. This single session class is a safe, creative, calming retreat from the ongoing demands of a fast-paced, chaotic lifestyle. Whether you are seasoned or new to writing, come experience the soothing simplicity of writing in the moment, breath-by-breath, word-by-word. We’ll sit. We’ll breathe. We’ll write. We’ll laugh. We’ll get enlightened. Then we’ll go back to our writing. You’ll receive handouts, resources, and inspiration to take into your writing (and non-writing) life. Readings will include Zen poets Basho, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jane Hirshfield, and others, plus Natalie Goldberg, Dinty Moore, Ram Dass, and more. $3.00 copy fee payable to the teaching artist. 
Register with the Loft:


Office: 612-215-2575, Fax: 612-215-2576, Education: 612-379-8999


Writing and Mindfulness 
Thursday, August 15, 7:00pm - Magers & Quinn Booksellers (map)

FREE WORKSHOP! Intuitive Writing for Creativity, Mindfulness, and Happiness
Want to feel more creative, more alive, more present and joyfully awake for the life you are living? Join Roxanne Sadovsky for an intimate evening of writing and sharing as you explore a powerful new writing practice in a safe, supportive, playful community with writing therapist, writer, and teacher, Roxanne Sadovsky
Discussion, writers tips and recommended reading list to enhance your personal writing practice will follow community writing.

Wild Woman Writing: Loving Your Wild!
Saturday June 15, 2013  10am-4pm       $65

Writing Together through Grief
Saturday, January 19, 2013                        Free!
9:30 am
St Mark's Cathedral  519 Oak Grove St, Minneapolis, MN 55403           

Writing and Psychodrama: Rewriting your Personal Mythology
Friday February 15, 2013                      
6:30pm-9:30pm                            $15

Intuitive Writing with Clients 
February 22 & 23, 2013
Friday evening 6PM-8:30PM                $225
Saturday 10 AM-4:30PM

Powerful and awakening training retreat! Learn basic tools for applying intuitive/raw writing to your healing practice!

Writing and Gentle Yoga Retreat         
Saturday March 23, 2013 10am-2pm      $65            

NEW! Intuitive Writing & Collage with special guest artist, Elizabeth Wexler
Saturday April 20, 2013
10 a.m. — 4p.m.                                  $85

Mother-Daughter Writing Retreat Brunch
Saturday May 4, 2013
10am-3pm                                $125/pair

Do you know what your mother’s favorite color is? What does your daughter like most about work or school? Does she prefer to go barefoot? What are her wildest dreams? Am I really turning into her?

When was the last time you spent some quality time with mom? Join other mothers, daughters, granddaughters, stepmothers, and in-laws in any combination on a special retreat dedicated to nurturing, reconnecting, and celebrating the maternal bond.  Whether you seek a day of creative fun with other mothers and daughters as you discover new ways of building a more meaningful relationship, or simply a few relaxing hours to wax nostalgic about old stories and memories, you’ll discover how writing together connects mothers and daughters of all ages, backgrounds, generations, and legends. All are welcome! 

...      ...




PROJECT 25: Call and Response Retreat Series
10 a.m. – 10 p.m. $125

Deeply healing, collective raw writing creates powerful and unique stories of wisdom and self-expression, connecting us to our immediate and intuitive truths. Participants limited to 8.

Saturday November 3, 2012
10 am-10pm             $125

Writing and Gentle Yoga a day of nurturing
September 15, 2012    10am-4.30pm  $99

Writing and Creativity writing into bliss
October 13, 2012         10am-2p       $50

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