Growing up, I worshipped The Price is Right. We watched it nearly every summer day on my best friend Li's embroidered yellow couches, coming in from the pool to cool off, sprawled easily in our bathing suits, Pringles and Eskimo Pies at the ready. Ah, the good life... there was something about being in Hollywood, watching Hollywood glamorized on television, knowing we were living a few miles away from the CBS studios in West Hollywood and watching folks "come on down!" to experience a little tease and taste of our glamorous palm tree culture.
We recited the lines along with Bob Barker telling the contestant onstage that "I'd love to give you this..." pause, pause...and then along with Johnny Olson voice overing: "A NEW CAR!" and the screens would open to reveal a shiny new Mustang or convertible with a blonde model standing next to it for emphasis, as if to say, "sure! I come with the car! Aren't we a sexy pair?"
Then the guy or gal would do some wild seventies dance which we would sometimes do in unison. After all, what could be better than a shiny new car? Cars were everything in my young mind. Advertising promoting superficial values worked well on me and I envisioned my future on Rodeo Drive driving a different Rolls Royce for every day of the week. My soccer coach picked me up weekly in his Rolls or Mercedes and I figured as a "famous actress," I'd be able to afford at least ten times that and more, for he was just a soccer coach, after all. Naivete comes in handy when your just a young girl with stars in your eyes.
The truth is I never owned a NEW CAR! In fact, I have a really hard time with new. New clothes, new things for the house, books, etc all tend to sit around for a good while before I am brave enough to remove the plastic/tags/etc and use them. I've had four cars in my young life, all of which have been hand-me-downs from my dad. Last week I had to retire the last, Odelle, in the father-daughter line because it's getting time to put her down.
The irony is that I'm not one bit of a car gal. My enthusiasm for shopping for a "new" car these past weeks was akin to shopping for a vacuum. Not that I don't love, "Four," my new 2010 Prius... not that she won't be part of the family in no time. It's just that she's too... new. I'm afraid of her. I don't want to hurt her and I'm just a tiny bit concerned that she doesn't feel the same about me. I'm not sure were that well suited; I may not be hip enough for her. If cars were assigned based on hipness, I'd be assigned the horse and buggy. Essentially she's like my Smart Phone, but she moves; it's been two years and I still haven't figured out my phone yet... heck maybe it moves too! In any case, I don't want her to get the wrong idea about my lifestyle...I don't know if I can keep up with her. She's much more advanced in the ways of the modern world than I, makes a bold statement about the current times, which she obviously knows a lot more about than I do.
So then Four is a Smart Car; she's a machine that also happens to drive, which I am starting to figure out, but it's taking me a while. Did you know I can answer the phone with my steering wheel? I can also watch a DVD while cruising down 94. It plays a million CDs at a time and even has satellite radio; I don't know what satellite radio is. Nothing surprises me since going to
House on the Rock this past summer, but how am I supposed to concentrate on my driving when I'm trying to sync up my phone with my car via bluetooth and I don't even know what Bluetooth is. Does it have anything to do with someone's mouth? She has an onscreen map that tells me exactly where I am, where I've been and where I'm going, meaning she has a much better memory than I do. The kicker is that you don't need a key to start her up. That's right, just like the future promised. When Jude, my six-year-old, got in today for the first time he must have thought he walked into a moving video game because as I was remembering how to start it (really), he goes, "Can I push some buttons too, Mama?" I couldn't explain why or why not. "Later," I said, which I will regret. I believe I'm still in shock, still forcing my brain into a cognitive reality it is not yet willing to embrace. When Too Cute Face got in, he couldn't stop repeating how much it resembled a spaceship. I think that was how he handled the shock.
Keep in mind, neither of us has spent much time in a car built before 2000 and if we had our way, we'd all go by bike and foot.
A NEW CAR!!! |
If Bob Barker back in the seventies would have shown us the car of the future on The Price is Right, Four would have been it for sure. I can just imagine little me on Li's couch, wide-eyed with relief, dreaming of my future life where all I would need to get out of LA and live happily ever after was a click of a button or wave of the hand. Good old Bob Barker and his Hollywood pals had convinced me it was that easy and I couldn't afford to imagine it any other way. Some day life would be too good to be true.
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I got a new car!
WRITING WITH ROX WEEKLY (Happy) Announcements
Great news! I have immediate openings in my Friday Morning Women's Writing Group as well as my monthly Tuesday evening Healing Group! Email me if you want to join in on the coolness!
I need an intern! Free classes/retreats/etc, great experience!
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You can take any of my classes online! Inquire within!
Also, I am happy to introduce WRITE LOVE NOW, my first online class. Want more love in your life? For your life? For your writing? For yourself? For your (Jewish) mother? Grow the love, linger in the love week-by week and see how "if you write it, it will come!" Call or e me for more information: 612-703-4321
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Wild Woman Wild Solstice Writing Retreat Saturday December 21, 2013
WRITING WITH ROX WEEKLY Woo-Woo Writing Wisdom...
Admit your shortcomings on the page! Laugh at yourself, allow the world to laugh with you and write their own shortcomings stories... Admit what you don't know and see how far that can take you on the page. You'll have lots of fun. You might begin to take life less seriously too♥
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