The following is a "found poem" or "collage poem" from a bunch of my students who responded so kindly via email to my having to cancel classes aaaall of last week...

Enjoy! and then go write your own.
What My Students Said When I Had to Cancel Class Because of Walking Pneumonia
Rest easy Rox.
That means nap as much as you can.
Let go,
Let God.
Have a nappy down day with your 'banky'.
Don't try to push through unless you have extra energy.
Words of experience from my body:
Rest....most important thing....
I had it in July.
you poor thing, just take care of you. If you were one of us you would say heal and then write about it later. This is dangerous stuff and you have to kick it. We can meet next week.
Rest....most important thing....
I had it in July.
I don't think I'm afraid of contagion but I've had this stuff and you will be weak for a while. I say take another Friday off so you'll be able to have class and group next week.
I am sorry you have walking pneumonia. That sounds rough.
I had it in July.
Rest....most important thing....
I had it in July.
I had it in July.
Honey, I cannot believe you are sick again. What's going on? I will call you today (Friday).
Rest....most important thing....
I had it in July.
So sorry to you're not feeling well, Rox.
Feel better soon!
Healing thoughts heading your way
Oh no!
Will go outside right now with the stars and the moon and face west and slightly south and send some light and love.
Feel better soon.
Oh no!
I hope you feel well soon!
I'm sending positive healing energy your way
Oh no!
Sorry to hear that, Roxy.
Oh no!
Rest well
and feel better soon.
Love you!
Love and chicken soup
and feel better soon
Rest Well.
Well Rest.
Well.... Rest.
and feel better soon.
and feel better soon.
and better feel soon.
and soon better feel.
and better soon better
and soon better soon.
Love Love
Love love
Also, I am happy to introduce WRITE LOVE NOW, my first online class. Want more love in your life? For your life? For your writing? For yourself? For your (Jewish) mother? Grow the love, linger in the love week-by week and see how "if you write it, it will come!" Call or e me for more information: 612-703-4321
I need an intern! Free classes/retreats/etc, great experience!
Want to write but not ready to come to a class?
You can take any of my classes online! Inquire within!
Intuitive Writing 12 week class series
begins NEXT THURSDAY October 3, 2013
@The Loft Literary Center Register soon! Fills fast!
New! Fourth Annual Fall Women's Writing Retreat
On the lake in Spicer, MN!
Friday October 25-27, 2013
Noon Friday-1 pm Sunday Call for details!
begins NEXT THURSDAY October 3, 2013
@The Loft Literary Center Register soon! Fills fast!
Friday October 25-27, 2013
Noon Friday-1 pm Sunday Call for details!
WRITING WITH ROX WEEKLY Woo-Woo Writing Wisdom...
Save your emails. You never know when they'll turn into poetry. "Found E- Poems" make excellent cards/gifts...............We'll be doing lots of FOUND writing in my INTUITIVE WRITING class at the Loft by the way...find me there! ♥
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