Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Writing with Rox Weekly Prompt—Raw Writing Live!

Yesterday in therapy I sat down with a foggy brain and said "I just don't know today." I just don't know. I told her I was sleep logged which happens only once in a very blue moon since i never get much sleep at all, but I said I just don't know.

"We don't have to do anything," she said.

That's funny, I said, because I was wondering if we could do some kundalini yoga together...or...

Did you hear what I said? she said, "We don't have to do anything."

Fancy that. Fancy that.

I'm just not feeling very...I'm foggy, I said. It's the perimenopause, the adrenal fatigue...

What is foggy she asked, "describe foggy."

I did.

Huh, she said. That's beautiful.

So there we sat with my fog and my content doing nothing. Not thinking. Not feeling. Just sitting. In the fog.


Shto etta? This, loved ones, is a sample of my raw writing from last week's Friday 
Writers. And, thanks to one of my gals in Friday Writers reminding me, I finally launched the new blog on raw writing so we can post any and all raw writings that come out of our writing together during class/groups/retreats/anyevers. 

So, what is raw writing, exactly? 

Raw Writing, which I also might sometimes call intuitive writing, spontaneous writing, flow writing, on-the-spot-writing, not being in your head writing, writing from your heart writing, etc, is a term that evolved out of my writing together in community for fifteen plus years. I must have been using this term of raw writing enough in classes, etc, that it sort of caught on as an actual thing and now, here it is, an actual thing. What it basically is, is the process and result of writing in the moment on any given topic/prompt, thought, word, name, memory, etc, that we all do together for about ten-thirty minutes, giver or take. Then we come together and share. This is usually everyone's favorite part of writing with me and why, I truly believe, they keep coming back to write together with me.

 I have been writing and sharing (reading our raw writing aloud) in groups of all ages, backgrounds, dynamics, purposes, etc and have come to realize that by sharing our raw, unedited stories in the safety of community, we are revealing our truth, our unedited imperfect truth, which is what writing should truly aim to do (if we are at all concerned with doing something honorable with our work). For the most part, this raw writing makes the best, the very best writing. That's not to say you can't fiddle with it or add to it later, but more often than not, it is just perfect on it's own.

Moreover, witnessing the Raw Writing of others is one of the greatest gifts we can ever know. A gift you will remember sooner or later, sometimes much later when you need it most. Aaaaaaaaaah, you might say, so that's what so and so was talking about in her story about getting lost at the beach. I'm so glad I have that story to guide me...

Want to try it? 

What was your latest experience with raw? Raw food? Raw beauty? Raw truth? Raw fill in the blank?  Write it out, follow the path, see where it goes...follow the raw energy! And if you'd like to share it here, or there, please do. And remember: no edits. Not even the grammar or lack thereof. Just the raw words translated on the page. Enjoy it. 

Hope to write with you soon! Raaaaaaaaawks


  1. Raaaaaawwwks just read the blogon Raw Writing and it sounds great. I have a piece to add. Can't wait.


  2. woohooo Cynthia! Send away your raw writing in the raw as soon as you are ready! Can't wait to see. xoxoxoxo
