Monday, March 25, 2013

WWRWP—Roid Rage in the ER! PART ONE

It started about a month ago with a cold, which eventually turned feral and ate me alive with my first sinus infection. Because I'd never had one before, I assumed the face and jaw pain must have been fibro related, or perhaps lingering effects of the cough, or that time of the month (or second time of the month in my case)... or...whatever... until one morning my face hurt so bad I could barely open my eyes.

"Jesus, Woman," David said, "go to the doctor."

I hemmed and hawed a couple more days until I finally couldn't take it anymore and went to urgent care where the doc suggested I had a bacterial sinus infection and would require antibiotics. "Do I have to?" I protested. I've been on so many in my lifetime I think I'm immune.

"Well, it could go away on it's own," she said, "but the risk of an untreated bacterial sinus infection is meningitis. I flashed on my grandmother and her quivering hand. "Will it help with the pain?"

"Within a few days you should be feeling mostly better."

A few days later came and went. I felt better. But not mostly. A few days later I felt worsely. But again, I figured I'd let it go. And go. And go... As someone accustomed to living with a fair amount of physical pain, I never know what's coming from where. Plus, wisdom from a Jewish Buddhist reminds me that not every physical sensation is a sign of terminal illness, and thus I soldier on.

After two weeks of intermittent plugged ears, head and neck pain, nausea, and crushing fatigue, I was running out of excuses. Could I be depressed? I wondered. Could that be causing all this? I Netied. I Nelimeded. I flushed with ACV and garlic. I did my alternate nostril breathing. Stood on my head. Avoided standing on my head. Cried. Avoided crying.

A round of Flonase  and a packet of  Mucanex D left me hopeful, but unhealed.

In the meantime, my doctor brother suggested I go to an ENT. By then I had diagnosed myself with Barotrauma, a common illness among divers and pilots having to do with changes in barometric pressure, much less common on land. When I insisted to my brother though, that my symptoms mimicked them exactly, Ben conceded that perhaps I could have caused barotrauma by overusing the Neti Pot.

They laughed at this one at the clinics. "You have what?" they'd say, rubbing their eyes in frustration, "what are the symptoms?"

"Unbearable pain."

"That's more like it. Sit down. We'll call you when it's your turn." To pass the time, they gave me a long blue plastic bag attached to a face mask when I told them I thought I was going to throw up; I thought it was supposed to be used to breathe into if you felt nauseous, which I tested in the lobby. I was abruptly told I was confusing it with something else and hadn't I ever heard of a barf bag?

Friday afternoon I finally gave up and headed to the ER just so I could be seen somewhere and do something about the pain. After the requisite CT scan, IV drip of Benadryl, etc, blood tests, we were released around eleven pm. The tests revealed nothing and I was given something for pain and an RX for Prednisone. In my pleasantly doped up state, I understood that the Prednisone was to reduce the swelling in my sinuses. I missed the part about how it would also reduce me to my last nerve.

I slept like a baby and woke up feeling better than I had in a while. Encouraged, we quickly filled the RX and I popped my Preds, excited to be getting back to normal. When the pain roared in around midday, I ignored it. Instead I tidied up and then went back to bed. What happened next is not good. I'd rather not even go into the details. Granted it's the kind of "not good" that will eventually, given enough time and reprieve, be funny. But not today. Let's just say I'm lucky my boyfriend is speaking to me.

"I know you don't feel well" he sighed after trying to get me to smile for 8 hours, "it doesn't mean you can be mean to me all night long." By then he was tired of my pain. Nothing he could do or say got through to me. I turned away from him on the couch. "Fine," I said and headed upstairs. It didn't matter that he took me to dinner. It didn't matter that he sat with me in the ER for ten hours. It only mattered that he refused to watch a movie with me and cuddle, even though it was going on midnight. Why didn't he know that was a federal offense?

A little later I came back down and googled "prednisone and irritability." Bingo. The next day several people, both on and offline will agree that it can make you nuts. "Roid Rage," is apparently what it's called.

"What are you doing on your computer so late?" Too-Cute-Face called over from the couch as I hunched over the dim glow, where my computer faithfully burned, an everlasting candle.

"Googling," I said and headed back up. I ignored the little voice saying come with me. I don't want to be alone.


Your Roid Rage story?
Your ER story?
What happens in Part Two? 

(PART TWO coming soon! : Rox goes to the ENT...
 Trailer: "I'll do whatever you say. But, please, no prednisone!" )


  1. It is, I think, no, I know, really difficult to write about illness. You do this so well. I enjoyed every word. I have experienced debilitating sinus infections as well as fibromyalgia pain. But, Roxanne, you nail the details in a really entertaining and informative way. Good work. I can't wait to read more. Yes, I have experienced Roid Rage. I remember feeling just plain CRAZY. Thanks.

    1. thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and appreciate your comments greatly! Hope you're in good health now and free of pain and CRAZY (the non-fun kind, that is; a little free spirited crazy is always good!) xoxo PS: feel free to write more about any of it anytime. I am here listening. And healing. :)

  2. No roid rage, but I'll relate my lasty "I think I'm going to die!" "Oh, no, I'm afraid I'm not" story.

    My brother's mother-in-law died. (Well, whatever I had, it wasn't that bad!") I was asked to come down to his home and support my sister-in-law, Connie. I love her dearly and was glad to do that. I went down on Wednesday. The funeral was Saturday. The days between were hectic, of course. Three sisters in this family and Connie is trying to keep the peace as they each makes claims on mother's things. A brother plagued with mental illness adds to the problems. A son is flying in from San Francisco, makes it out of Denver despite a snow storm, and into Madison. A niece is not so lucky. Caught first in Denver she ends up in Rockford, Ill. Son goes down to pick her up and they drive back in the snowstorm arriving at 3 in the morning. There are now 12 people in the house. One sister is feeling a bit "off" but nothing seems serious and it is all second in importance to the major issues. However....she is sharing the flu virus! On the day of the funeral, I will be taking the brother to the church and afterward to LaCrosse and home. The fuss and tension of the situation is too much for him to cope with. So.....

    We are driving to the church. I begin to feel queazy. We get to the church - go in - I head for the bathroom and am sick. I tell my brother I can't stay, book into a Motel 6. And spend the next few hours sitting on the "throne" with a waste basked in my hands as I fill both. I am desperately thirsty, sure I am going to die, and even a swallow of water is immediately discharged from my body from one end or the other.

    I call my brother who comes to me after the funeral and lunch, takes one look and calls the local hospital. In I go - for IV fluids and anti-nausea meds, The doctor tells me - not that I have some serious condition deserving of great sympathy - but instead I'm told "You have what everybody else in the county has."

    Meds do quell the nausea - with a side effect warning - "Causes headache." And it does - enough to bring on nausea. Brother - bless his saving soul - calls the clinic for a different scrip and picks it up. Yup - works better.

    2 days later - 5 pounds lighter - I'm OK again. Go back to brother's house. Help Connie sort through her mom's things, fill out all that paper work required when there is a death, write thank you notes, etc.

    At least I am not in the coffin!

    1. Jeez! Why do docs think that "having what everyone else is having" is comforting when you are puking up a lung? And is the IV thing protocol for the ER? Must be. Seriously, I need pain meds to heal the bruise from the IV thing...only they might give me a headache! Hospitals can be so reptilian, don'tcha think?

      Thanks for sharing. Great, albeit unfortunate, story. Glad you are healthy and above ground. :) You're sweet to be so helpful to your fam. Stay well. Keep writing and sharing your stories! xo

  3. Wow. That sound awful!

    Looking forward to part II...I am hoping for a happy ending.

    1. Thanks Bryan! Will update asap. In the meantime, feel free to share your ER (or other/any) story anytime....would LOVE to hear it. Rox

  4. I feel your pain having suffered sinus infections myself.

    I was on Prednisone for an entire year in 2003 to treat an auto-immune disease, I call it the year from Hell!!! I gained 50 pounds, endured depression and angry outbursts, eventually the drug did cure my disease. It was worth it in the end being able to breathe again. I did loose the weight, slowly, and got a new bathroom out of the deal since the source of my problem was mold growing behind the wall.

    Get Well Soon!!!!

    1. thanks so much!! Interesting all the sides of Prednisone, plus and minus (it cured you! awesome!) So happy to hear you are feeling better and got a new bathroom. Mold! Yes... I hear of this... thanks for sharing, seriously helpful to know! Stay well!

  5. I recently have some difficult conversations and I did what a lot of people do when they want to know how to do something. I googled it. I came across Dr Williams herbal medicine on blog-site so many people thanking him about his good work. I also have fibromyalgia. I wasn’t running all over God’s creation with every man I could find but here I am. I have felt bad about myself for so many years now because of my fibromyalgia status. I obviously still have some self-accepting to do but I want to thank Dr Williams for everything he have done for my family ,after taking Dr Williams medicine i was completely free from fibromyalgia within one month of usage, I think what you are doing is so admirable. you have helped me a lot! I want to definitely reach out to you and thank you for your amazing work. You are a good person, and an extremely talented man. You have helped millions with your herbs, and have really inspired me,and i pray you still continue doing the good can also email him on for help

  6. I am Sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic fibromhyalgia,since i was bone , the doctor told me there was no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly had Pain all over my body,this ailment was really terrible especially when am going out with my friends, i have this constant disorder for about 31 years, this was really a terrible ailment ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs jessica on how her daughter was been cured from  fibromhyalgia through the help of Dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine, i used it for 1 months and two weeks as prescribed by dr williams and i was totally cured within those week of usage,on thin now i have not experience any sign or characteristics again . for more information you can email him on for help
