Sunday, June 16, 2013

Writing with Rox weekly prompt—Not a prompt, just a story about Ma

Sometimes you just have to write it down.

Tonight I talked to Ma. It's been about a month, typical. I really should keep better track of what she says. At some point I had an idea that I would publish all of her answering machine voicemails from over the years and I do have a rather large email collection of her greatest hits. And, and, and... she is the most beloved character in my memoir ("Here's Fifty Cents and You Two Fuckers Can Take the Bus Home!")...

 For years Ma has been dogging on herself for her ADD, dementia, lack of discipline, losing her keys/wallet/checkbook, etc all the time, missing airplanes, getting lost, etc. It's occasionally funny, but mostly rote by now, even predictable.  I don't even get annoyed anymore. Tonight, though, it was funny:

Ma: Well, after three days of hell and rearranging everything, I found my checkbook that I thought I lost.
Rox: That's good.
Ma: But I wasted all this time having to redo everything.
Rox: You should always count on finding it again. It usually shows up.
Ma: Not really. Things disappear all the time. I've lost rings. A really beautiful coat. (I may be wrong, but I think she also said, I kid you not, "a rocking chair...") All kinds of jewelry...
Rox: I thought you said X stole your jewelry....
Ma: No. It turns out she didn't. I found it. But things disappear; I lose them.
Rox: Oh.
Ma: You'll never guess what I did today...
Rox: You lost your sunglasses?
Ma: No. I was getting gas on Overland... you know, that place. And I pulled away with the pump still attached to the car, pumping gas.
Ma: And then it came out of the thing and smacked against my taillight and broke it.
Ma: Can you believe that? I'm getting dementia, I swear.
Rox: Ma, how is that even possible?

1 comment:

  1. omg, this is so funny. i forgot all about this. Am I the only one reading my blog??? Shit, that's funny. thanks Ma, thanks Rox. Love, Rox
