Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Writing with Rox WEEKLY—All I've started and stopped this year, this day

blog posts
yoga at LA Fitness
swimming at LA Fitness
gratitude journal
adoring woodpeckers
teaching my kid how to unwrap and wrap mindfully
nightly meditation with my kid
modeling the proper way to shop for presents mindfully for (and with) my kid
half-assed forward folds
homemade coloring books of my family and neighborhood
growing out my hair
composing a musical
putting in new cork floor in my living room and bedroom
clutter clearing my shelves
selling my baby and kid stuff
selling the books that make me unhappy
Ditto taking the lot to GoodWill
finishing the cedar siding paint job
hiring help
returning shoes in the back of my car to Shueler's
returning a broken water bottle to Target
grieving (but that's okay)
trying to go to bed early
gluten free pumpkin pie making and passion for
worrying about what my friends and family think of me getting elderly so youngerly
faith in Western Medicine
obsessing over what is wrong
growing and harvesting squash with the hopes of cooking with the squash flowers
looking for a decent primary care doc
wishing my dad were here because, really, what could he do?
calling my brother for advice
blaming yoga
blaming my parents
blaming myself
giving up
giving in
sleeping only on my good side
losing faith in my body
soy yoghurt
0 calorie ice cream
0% Deet mosquito repellent
putting my pen down when it's time to stop writing
parenting myself
scaring myself
daring myself
trying to get physically strong, stronger, strongest
forgetting how to stop
feeling the sunshine

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