Monday, December 23, 2019

"I’m going to take some time and write down all the good I’ve seen in people and the universe"

Tonight one of my students sent me an email sharing that she gave herself this prompt and I think it's just about the greatest prompt I ever heard. An invitation to stop the running around, the self defeating habits and thoughts, the gift wrapping and the guilt, the apologies and the regrets, the things you will always grieve and the life you could have lived, the person you could have been, the not enough's and the I'm too muches... All that on and on come and go of being human.

So tonight, or as soon as possible, take some time to write down about the good you've seen.

Like the cat's white paws on your heart and
all the pretty holiday lights
and your son saying Mama, can I have a hug?
and Ma sending a text saying how sorry she is about Ram Dass and do you want to talk? Because I'm around, she says
And all the love that went around today all over the world because of Ram Dass dying yesterday
And everyone saying Merry Christmas whether they mean it or not because
It's a start and a start counts for a whole lot of good I've seen
And I could go on and on about all the good I've seen.... every day, every hour, every moment...

So write and spread the good! It goes especially well with all the perty lights.

So much love to you all! ✨💙🌊✨🎆🙏💙💙💙

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