Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Writing with Rox (midweek edition!) Weekly Prompt—Ten Things

10 TEN 10 10 TEN 10 10 TEN 10 10 TEN 10

1. Find a cure for junk mail. I send it back if it comes with a sase. You?
2. Ride my bike around the world on a bike path like the Greenway.*   
3. Walk freely and with ease around on my hands.* Failing that, learn tablas.
4. Live on a yoga/drumming/kirtan/writing farm for one year or more with Jude*
5. Live long enough to be able to go by joystick (get your mind out of the gutter! Once my friend told me when I complained about boxy cars and traffic and the need for speed, etc,  that all I need to get around is a joystick! Brilliant idea. When?*
6. Host a radio  variety show where we have so much silly fun the whole universe is laughing*
7. Write and produce my play
8. Finish and publish the memoir
9. Swim under, around, through, with, the perfect waterfall on the most awesome paradise in the galaxy
10. Learn to speak German, Chinese, Ojibwe (thank you Mary!) and several others

*With Jude! 

For as long as I can remember I have been doing the "10 Things" exercise with my students, which means you write down ten things you want to do in your lifetime. In the past few years, a few students have wondered, "you mean a bucket list?," to which I've replied, "I'm not sure I know what that is." (Apparently there is a movie and I haven't seen a movie since Jude was born unless you count The Lorax (I do), but there was no bucket list in that one). 

Once we've shared our ten things (which is dreamy, amazing!) and learned how very cool and unique we each are, we then write a second list called "Ten Things I DON'T want to do in my lifetime." Consistent for me is "wear high heels" and "become apathetic."

Not only does this exercise remind us of who we are and what we really want (or don't want), but it also brings back hundreds of memories because every thing and anti-thing on these lists has a story behind it. Try it. You'll see! And then you just may want to write that story. And the next one...

What are the rules? There are no rules, as we say here at the Beach. No right or wrong. Just write your truth and be free! Also, this is magic wand writing. Anything can happen on this list. Wildest dreams=good. The impossible=possible. What you want=you can have. You're just writing a list...that's all. Go anywhere you'd like! Tip: the more specific details, the better. Not just "I want to travel," but "I want to travel to the Galapagos with so and so and swim with the blue footed boobies on a summer night while singing One Love...

That's it for this time, folks. No major clarity or rebirthing this week. Ma was even here for two days and it was smooth sailing all the way, save her missing her plane. Again. Oy vey and nighty-night! 

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