Thursday, June 12, 2014

Writing with Rox WEEKLY—Crying Time

About five years ago I was going through a really hard time and I invited a Buddhist healer to come over and help me process some of the grief I was overwhelmed by. I didn't know what I expected, other than I knew I needed to be held in the arms of unconditional love. Without knowing a thing about this healer, somehow I knew this would be the right person. Someone who could offer me a good old dose of lovingkindness, no matter how much "wrong" I'd done or pain I caused, someone who would stay with me, look me in the eye, provide witnessing and holding to me in a time of big grief. We did not talk much. I simply shared my grief, my guilt, my regrets, and my endless tears. And that was it. We sat on my couch that beautiful spring afternoon and nothing had to be done other than that.

 One of the things I remember her saying to me when I likely apologized for my uncontrollable sobbing was something to the effect of, "You know what? If we lived in a functional world, people would be walking down the street everyday crying their eyes out."

I have quoted her more times than I can imagine.

But surely I knew this already, didn't I? Didn't I?

Inevitably in most of my classes and workshops, at some point everyone will cry. And inevitably, there are countless apologies when it happens. Usually someone will get emotional when reading an emotional piece of writing that we have written on the spot and will pause, apologize, and then move through it. This is when I (and the group) will remind whoever is reading that it is okay to cry, that writing is supposed to do this sometimes, that we are feeling beings and as writers it's important to write about the truth of the human experience. Not to mention it makes pretty awesome writing and a great gift for everyone listening.

Of course on some days, on many days, we also have tears of laughter.

That said, as the "one in charge,"  I try really hard not to cry when I am reading my own work because for God Sakes someone has to keep it together around here. I have no problem with my tears when others are reading, but as we all know, it's hard to be vulnerable. Yesterday in Wednesday Writers was one of my crying days (thank you, Wednesday Writers!!!). We were all writing a quick Intuitive Writing response to the prompt "I Write Because..." and I encouraged them to go and go without stopping or thinking for about seven minutes. Classic Intuitive Writing. Anyway. Here's what I had to say:

I write because I'm sorry. Because I have done things that have hurt others and I want to apologize. I write because I want to relive the hurtful things I've done enough times so that I can have insight and apology and reflection and feel the gravity of those hurtful things so I can commit to not doing those hurtful things. I write because I feel like my body alone cannot contain the hurt and I write to be forgiven  even though when I write for forgiveness I start out as absolutely unforgivable. 

I write because I am human and to be human is to be sorry and to make mistakes, even when we are conscious of making them. I write because I am not the parent I always want to be and i want to rewrite myself until I get it write... or right, I should say. I write because the point is there is no ever getting it perfectly right! Otherwise we'd never stop writing or living or doing yoga because what happens when we get writing just right? We stop writing. And we stop parenting. And we stop doing yoga. And we stop being a good girlfriend. So I write as a practice to get it as right or truthful or integrity as I can and failing that I write to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry written in a little card with a drawing of "Mama Sticky Hair Monster" like the monster we read about every night in our Bedtime for Buddha stories about the sticky hair monster who is so frightened of his pain sometimes that all he knows how to do is be mean until he eventually gets it as close to right as he can and all is forgiven. 

Write with me?
I write because...
Things that make me sad/cry are...
Memories of crying...


  1. I write because I have something to say or share from within my “being”-- that really needs to get out to tell or help others. I write because I am told to do so by “channels” in the Universe that I’m not sure I truly understand, as I’m still learning. I write for “clarity” for myself, when I am trying to figure something out. I write to express emotion, sometimes laughter, and sometimes tears. I write short paragraphs, I write sayings, I write poems, I write prose and stories that arise from actual events, actual feelings, but the average person may not understand. So it becomes “fiction.”
    I write because of connections to others and to my inner self. AND…I write because of Rox, she encourages, prompts and cheers us on through sadness and through joy, romance and silliness, Shakespear to eecummings and more. Thank you Rox for sharing your voice and bringing out mine.

  2. Thank you! Your words bring (more) tears to my eyes! This is a good thing! Thank you for sharing this beautiful flowing prose with us... I love what you write here and I love why you write! I'll bet there's more where that came from (there always is...). Thank you so much. xoxox

  3. I write because I want to release my feelings and deal with emotions and memories that are buried. I find myself unearthing things that I have forgotten or can see from a different vantage point now that I am older and wiser. Well maybe just older. There are events and people who helped shape who I was and in some ways still am. Delving into the memories via the written word allows me to see them differently then just telling them verbally. It feels safer somehow to express myself through writing, I can collect my thoughts better and sometimes the only person who needs to read them is me. Learning about myself is a lifelong adventure, one that I sometimes enjoy, and sometimes do not. I do find I have to be in the right state of mind to write most days, am also surprised at what comes out of my head! I have had quite the journey so far, and the more I try and analyze it the more I seem to learn!! Laura

    1. Thanks Laura! Please keep writing and sharing and discovering... I appreciate your insight about knowing when to write, when you are up for it! Good advice! Thanks so much for sharing. xoxo

  4. Rox, The tears you shared with us (unintentionally) on Wednesday were touching. There is power in Vulnerability as Brene Brown would say and your tears were indeed powerful. Thank you for reminding us that we are all (even fearless leaders!) emotional beings and experience the full gamut of emotions regardless of our position, status, income, race, etc. Thank you for sharing your truth, and for encouraging us to share ours.

    1. Gosh, Gayle, this means so much to me! Thank you, thank you. xoxox PS: Loved what you wrote and shared on Weds. I look forward to hearing about more adventures!

  5. I write because I have to. My brain runs in too many direction and my heart feels emotions too deeply to not try to sort them out on paper. I write because if I don't, I feel like I will explode, like I am confused and sad and scared, or like I am literally bursting with joy. 'I have to write this down,' I say. 'I just have to.'

    Thanks, Rox for providing a safe place for writers to write. For sharing your beautiful writing and thoughtful feedback with those of us who write with you. You are a gift!

    1. and you as well, Julie. Thanks so much for sharing your vulnerability and truth. What a wonderful gift your book is! So glad you are in our Friday family! :) See you soon. xoxo

  6. Thanks Roxy. I need a good cry! (And I almost did while reading this - but was at work and had to hold it back!)

  7. Hi Bryan! So great to hear from you! Gosh, don't we all need a good cry? I think the next step is crying on the job—after all, I did! :)
    Thanks for the note... I really appreciate it. I imagine your heart has broken for your boys quite a few times, too, eh? Not to mention that amazing daughter of yours... :) Hope to see you soon! Rox
