Monday, June 2, 2014

Writing with Rox WEEKLY—Greetings from the South!

"How Y'all Doin?!"

I love this. This is what they offer in passing here in Austin, Texas. It is the equivalent to the Minnesota "Oh, hi there!" or back home, way back home in LA, "Sup Dude?"

In Seattle, while I was there anyway, I believe it was "How's it goin?"

"How y'all doing?" is so disarming. I don't quite know how to respond; I long to retort with the same musicality, but somehow I fall flat with my west coast "he-ey... good!"

Here in Austin, visiting my BFF since 8th grade, Pieceee and I have our own language. We greet each other with one long "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," which has at least a dozen other implications other than hello.

"Are you having fun here, Pieceee?" Paula'll ask.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" I'll answer. I'm having lots of fun.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" she'll say. She's glad.

Home in Minneapolis, Two Cute Face and I combine our terms of endearment with the sound of a dog howl when we greet each other. It has morphed over the years, but currently he is Rooo and I am Grarra. Hello is a bit more complicated to explain.

"Oooooooh," Ma said to me last year when visiting, overhearing our affectionate exchanges, "You have a language with this one, too?"

This is true. Admittedly, I have a unique language among many of my friends. And to each and all, there is of course, a very long story.

How do they greet you where you're from? How do you reply? What is your made-up language with friends? In your household? With SO's?  What is the story behind it?


  1. R U still in Austin? Read your prompt last night. Very funny. You and Paula, Too Cute Face, the sounds. Even I "howl" occasionally now. Question about "Judeisms - Bubbles of Wisdom." About how old was Jude when u put together that little booklet? I just reread it and I still smile, chuckle and laugh just as much as when I read it for the first time. Love, Mom

    1. Oh, can't wait to hear you howl, Ma! Roooooooooooo! Baubles of Wisdom.... must have been when he was about 2... and still going... have you seen:
      I try and get most of them, and boy, do they keep coming! Love, Rox

  2. Remember... you are also "kitty" these days, or honeykitty....

    Love, TCF, aka doggie, grarree,. All these languages, and "mini-cultures"....

  3. Ha! I'm outed! As are you honeyrooo... honeydoggy... honeyrooograrregrar... Oy! I realize just now I could writing for days... Thanks for being in my lingual miniculture, Rooo... it sure is love, init? Grrrr grrrr grrrr.......
