Thursday, December 18, 2014

Writing with Rox WEEKLY—And what I really want...

Permanently clean floors
a winter cabin in Encinitas, California
an aversion to sugar
more time
fewer hormones to deal with
a hugging shop (remember House of Hugs?)
skate skis
contentment with wanting and not having
sweet music piped into my condo every time a baby is born

a functional backpack purse. I really want a functional, simple, good quality, cute, purse.
100 dresses and boots that fit just perfectly so I never have to shop for them again.

daily massage from my amazing massage therapist
a hot tub
soft slippers
better feet
better hair
glitter and stardust to accentuate my hair and cheeks at the just the right moment
a yoga studio to move in downstairs
a vegetable garden
a lemon tree
a cat
a dog
a parrot
a sitar
a big drum
a piano

romance, always more romance

I want to be carried when I'm tired.
I want to be kissed on a perfect summer evening, whirled and twirled on a gentle, snowy night.
I want to dance and sing all night long.

a gargantuan family to go to on the holidays with lots of kids and family and music making and healthy food and cooking and merry making in a gargantuan house with high ceilings and dancing and a skylight and a piano and might as well throw in some ghosts because this is sounding a lot like the haunted mansion ride at Disneyland where everyone is having a big party

speaking of ghosts, bringing my dad back for a day

for Jude to never grow older
a younger body to make more children
to remember my dreams more often
to fly

a long table down on the the street, right here on 50th and Xerxes that sits about 100 people (and as long as across the world) who never met and never thought they would all gather and write together and realize how much they have in common and love each other

a new bike

for everyone to know the love in their hearts

more time
more time
more time

to be here now
in wishing
in the gift giving that life breathes
in and out
every moment



  1. Ah, longing. Tis a staple in a Minnesota winter, eh Rox?

    delicious stuff, reminds me of my favorite poem.

    All I ever wanted was a narrow room,
    filled with simple love and exact emotions,
    no symbols and no dreams,
    just the notion that two might survive forever,
    though we will not always believe so,
    for in winter, the rains come,
    and hearts turn to stones iced.

    Kind of a downer but I love the narrow room image. All those years in the Texas heat I would dream of living in a narrow room above a bakery in Quebec City.
    And of course the Last Supper supposedly took place in a long narrow room. I've always had a thing for narrow rooms. And wide paths.

    1. Hi Rob! Seriously... the MN winters conjure up longing like none other... longing for MN summers for starters!

      Funny about space... and weather... how it shapes our psychology of longing... I appreciate narrow space. I love parallel parking between two cars, just barely squeezing in between them. It's cozy. I used to run on narrow paths in the woods... same cozy pathway feeling...

      Great poem... yours?

      Thanks for sharing, always great to hear from you, Rob. Talk soon, Rox

  2. What Do I Really, Really Want?

    a big fluffy cloud to lounge on
    a rewind button
    peace in my soul
    my little sister and brother sitting next to me, with me in the middle
    my Dad here on earth
    my own washer and dryer
    soft hands
    original, vintage Dark Side of the Moon album
    a new pair of comfortable shoes
    a new ankle
    a wish for love and kindness for every human being on the planet, no matter what
    a cure for addiction
    for all police officers to have compassion
    for all police officers to stop and count to ten
    a few hundred dollars to get caught up
    a new kitten
    a therapy dog
    an endless supply of "Jazz" apples
    a clear mind
    for my kids dreams to come true
    a forever friend
    a hot water bottle
    my memoir already written
    to heal from my past once and for all
    to see the ocean
    for the sun to shine
    to forgive
    a cupcake
    a magic carpet
    peace on earth

    Mary C.

    1. Oh my gosh, Mary, this is delicious and heartfelt, thank you. So moving to read and feel these things with you, for you...
      I will await your journey to the ocean, knowing I will hear of it someday soon! Thank you, Mary! Hugs, xoxo

  3. I would like the entire cast of Casablanca to reincarnate in my living room and they sing would sing La Marsaillaise and that is all I need.


  4. that's awesome John. Coming right up. :)
    My dad's favorite movie... and CItizen Cane.
    Happy, happy to you, Rox

  5. What I really want/what I wish for:

    More moments of clarity where I know what I really want and who I really am

    Fresh clean bedsheets and a made bed, silky smooth in summer, thick warmth in winter
    Toes to cuddle up with
    A wet dog nose to kiss

    Inspiring poems & stories & songs that come just when you need them

    Bright colors
    Gallons & Gallons of paint
    My own garage to paint a mural on

    Monkeys that linger & play with me
    Sticky wet yoga in Nosara
    Beach moments in NC, SC, new places I’ve never been
    365 days of island travel
    Fresh mangoes everyday
    Pina and sometimes Colada
    Barefeet or flipflops, no socks

    A pile of snow on Christmas after the drive
    That lingers into February and then melts
    A long spring with lilac & honeysuckle everywhere
    The end of mosquitos

    The end of disease
    Peace for my family
    Real peaceful nourishing rest for my sister
    Long, prosperous & meaningful lives for my nieces & nephews
    Big dreams & the ability to live them for the kids of the world
    Bells that signal moments of silence around the world

    The energy to dance everyday
    Headphones that stay on & don’t tangle up
    Rings I find on adventures
    My lost ring from the D.R.

    To realize where I am is exactly where I need to be
    To Show UP BIG
    To stop worrying about being TOO BIG
    To stop worrying. Period.
    To really be alive & awake everyday
    To learn to play more instruments
    A grand piano playing holiday songs
    A clap-on clap-off clapper for Christmas lights
    A remote starter for my car
    A car without problems
    Dentist visits with no follow-up
    Laundry & dishes & flossing that is already done

    Hugs from you, a honest talk, Hearing your laugh

  6. What I really want/wish for PART 2

    A bright white tree
    Oodles of Christmas treats & no belly ache
    All the lox & bagels one can eat
    Daily soaks in luxurious bathtubs that fit 2
    Cozy blankets of all colors & designs that suit my mood

    To see the sun everyday
    A catalog of sunsets & sunrises & a transport to get you there

    More words to describe all the hues and colors
    More words. Period.
    More words to help you understand.
    To be understood, to fully understand someone else.
    More bliss, more openhearted tears that flow freely.
    More bear hugs from everyone, long lingering hugs
    More courage to do exactly as I want
    To be really listened to and really heard
    To ask for others to witness me
    No guilt and no shame

    To laugh a lot everyday
    To know the shitty day will end
    To always have a friend
    More pens that don’t run dry
    Houseplants that last

    Long moments with morning coffee & no distraction

    Less problems and more solutions
    101 flavors of ice cream licked slowly with giggles and drips on my niece’s face

    Swims in the lake, ocean, river, creek and pools
    Floating for hours
    Warm sand to soak my feet in

    Stories of Celebrities who live
    Stories of politicians with courage
    Stories of good deeds

    Good reads
    Memoirs that make you say ‘you couldn’t make this up’

    Comfort in silence
    More moments with the heart
    More head & heart & heat

    Downward dogs without hesitation or worry about my shoulders
    Clear minded shavasanas that last

    Less worries about what is Right

    New friends
    New connections with old friends
    Tears shared without holding back

    Less questions and more answers

    Sparkle & surprise

  7. God, I love this prompt... and what you wrote and what it brings up in people. It is sooooooooooooo felt, so full and rich. Feel such sisterhood, again, reading this from you. Yes, yes, yes, I say to all of it. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words, beautiful you!

    Last night I was listening to a telecast from the Ram Dass retreat and Krisna Das was coincidentally talking about longing and how longing is where it's at... that when we feel it, we know we are where we need to be and it is a great gift... yet he asks us to consider which side of longing are we on? The suffering side or the other side. I'm still unclear entirely about the other side, though I think I understand the peace/bliss good-home feeling to mean that other side, which may be the point... Anyway, it's one of those elusive Buddhist principles, but it helped me understand why I so often encourage prompts relating to longing... because longing and wanting, etc, is the energy behind our writing, that moves us out of our stuckness and into our light, our prana... Not that it has to be big or has to be anything at all with outcome, but just to reclaim, reembody, come back home to that prana... But what do I know? I just know it feels so good to read and write these, so alive. Love, Rox

  8. Dear Rox, Your words are so beautiful and inspired many other beautiful words from your students/friends. Your blogs are a blessing in my life. Thank you! I sent this blog to my niece who i
    majoring in Victorian Lit in Chicago. She also said she loved your beautiful writing and it gave her a welcome respite from her studies. Have a wonderful time with Jude and and your friends and family this holiday season. Blessings! Pat

  9. Dearest Pat, Thank you so much for this beautiful note. You are likewise a blessing in my life and I will always encourage you to write and share your powerfully healing stories and trust you will know where the energy is... I have been gifted by them countless times! Hugs and happiest healthiest New Year to you, Rox
