Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Writing with Rox WEEKLY—Where does all the time go?

looking for the perfect raincoat at a thrift store
finding other things at a thrift store instead

running down the trash
running up the mail
running down the recycling
taking out the compost
looking for the lost thing I need right now
and that other thing
forgetting my...
walking Jude to the bus
walking home
running up the stairs
locking the bike
unlocking the bike
backing out
walking back to the bus stop

I thought I would have time to do that today
I'll do it tomorrow when it isn't raining
when I have more time
But wait: I don't have time tomorrow either

time is time no matter what; don't you know that by now?
finding time to breathe and be with time
finding time
booking time
knowing that time is a social construct
but not doing anything about that

time out
recovering from the weekend
where there wasn't enough time
what time is it? 
oh shit. really? 
is it bedtime already? not yet?
shouldn't i be hungry by now?
what? time to get up? No.
Five more minutes.
Five more
five more
five more

Okay. I'll skip washing my hair.

washed away with the rain?
in my memories?
on the page?
everything at once?
what time is it? 
But I'm forgetting something I need to know right now
check email, the weather, reply to a text, eat, check, check, check.
take my time
hurry up

running late
last minute

wow.       early is really weird.          really, really weird. 

time        is not as i know it when                    I'm         early. 

where am i?                 It's as if I'm moving backwards.

 I     gotta        do             this                    more. often. 

More often. 
I gotta more often. 
I gotta more do. 
More often. 
More do. 
Often do more.
Moredo. Gotta more.
I often. I often. I often.
Do you often?

standing in the elevator
waiting to go up two flights seems like it will take forever... hurry!
until I rest my chin downward, see my belly going in
going out
and it feels so good, so delicious, from inside
to out
and I say to myself I hope this elevator ride
never ends 
because I could do this all day long and be happy

Where does all your time go? (or mine for that matter?) :


  1. This is very poignant, hon, the passage of time, and the little, seemingly mundane moments that are sacred and fleeting when we notice them. And I love how you come back to your breath and how that makes the moment whole-y...
    My morning...making bed, shower, drinking, meditating, eating, trying to let go of worries and thoughts, reading, writing to all of you... love, TC Face, d-paws

  2. Thanks so much Paws! Love this, love that you get the little pauses in between, the pause between the in and out breath... the SOMA of all things in between, the sacred in the mundane where the breath is always waiting... :) Now about this morning drinking... :O Sounds like a dreamy morning, Dog... hope the busking is exciting with some sacredly mundane mixed in... enjoy the sunshine!! Love, KPs

  3. :) not sure what's in the (drinking) water.... a little sacred, a little mundane, sacredly mundane rain... love, paws

    1. rain rain, mundane on the sacred plane.... sacred mundane rains mainly on the plane.... Is it Friday yet? :) xoxo

  4. The time, as every good Baptist knows, goes to Topeka, Kansas.
    All aboard.

    1. Oooooooooh, so there's another thing that eludes me as a Jew... if only I knew! Who knew, asks the Jew?

  5. Time….. is on your side, yes it is.
    Oooh time time time is on your side…

    Where does my time go? My time goes here there and far away. Honestly Im often obsessed with time. I have too much of it doing this too much of it doing that. Not enough! Wanting more! Having too much.

    I think my time is often confused by being in my head. Time spent with worry. Time spent on the future (not as much the past, but sometimes that too). The worst is time spent planning how to spend time or not knowing how to spend time or regretting how time was spent or not spent, or whether I relished my time.

    Smoetimes the clock ticks slowly by and other times its speeding through as if time did not even exist.

    It was the best of times and it was the worst of times.

    No really, how do I spend my time?
    I am glad to say that nowadays, I spend a lot of time in pursuits I want to be pursuing.
    Music both listening to and playing it
    Eating healthy
    Being outside
    Lingering in a long hello with my dog, giving her kisses, getting kisses
    A great cup of coffee in the morning
    Talking with friends
    Talking with coworkers
    Soaking up the sun
    Just letting myself stare at the ducks or birds or the clouds passing by
    Not worrying and instead just going for it
    Being around good positive people
    Time with family
    Really listening and trying to understand others
    Being playful
    Being spontaneous

    I still don’t understand the time thing and I certainly don’t relish it in the way I probably could or should. But overall, I’m happy to say that when I stop to think about it, I spend a lot of my time well. You never know when’s it’s “your time” after all.

    1. Well, Eleanor, that was a very poetic way to a great clarity! Time well spent, after all... spent? Why all these references to currency when we talk about time? Why so many cliches and songs and etc about time? I guess it's all we have, it's on our side... every time I see this page I hear that Judy Collins song... who knows where all the times goes... Thanks so much for the riff and depth as always... xoxoxo

  6. Sorry for being a wiseass with previous comment. But I wonder if a Baptist and a Jewish person would view time differently. I know the Burmese I teach have a distinctly different attitude towards time than we Americans do.
    I wonder if different disciplines view time from radically altered perspectives. Does a mathematician see time differently from an anthropologist?
    Are we confusing time with life? Life passes by, maybe time stands still. One thing I can certainly attest to as I sit here typing on my 60th birthday, each decade we live the time is squared. By that I mean your twenties go by twice as fast as your teens, your thirties twice as fast as your twenties and so on. Wait till you're in your fifties when New Years seems to happen every three months.
    And most important, with regards to time, what are the best 'time' songs? I would probably vote for Green Days "The Time of My Life".
